Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Breaking News: Game of Thrones 2

HBO's season finale of its hit show Game of Thrones occurred this evening.

HBO's season of Game of Thrones came to a close Sunday at 10p.m. This marks the end of the second

season of the show and leaves viewers wanting more for it's third season.

Brendan Chapman, a Michigan State University student, is a big fan of the show and had a few friends over

this evening to watch the finale.

Chapman grilled burgers for his guests while they all sat around his projector TV to recap the entire season.

Discussion was excited around the room, filled with hypothesis's and opinions from his guests.

         "Everyone gets really excited about this show, we might sound nerdy, but it is so captivating and really

            just gives you a sense of adventure," said Chapman.

The episode did not disappoint Chapman and his guests. There was applauding, shouts, and discussions

when the plot took a important turn.

Chapman, along with his guests, became angry when the closing scene finally happened. The group felt that

the last scene was too much of a teaser for the shows third season.

          "I couldn't believe it. It was such a great twist and there is no way I can hold out for the show to start

             back up, guess I'll have to read the books," said Chapman.

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